Content strategy as social justice & inclusivity work

B Cordelia Yu — @thebestsophist


Content Strategy As Antifa

B Cordelia Yu — @thebestsophist

What is within the scope of content strategy?

What is within the scope of design?

…and what is the content strategist’s role in creating social justice?

What is inclusivity?

Case Study 1: United Airlines

<content warning>

That’s the process.

Those are the rules.

The whole damn process is guilty.

</content warning>

What is within the
scope of content strategy?

Case Study 2

Fossil-Free Banking & Divestment

Green America promotes social and environmental justice through economic action.

They it by promoting structural change to our economic system through individual, community, and societal action.

A screenshot of Green America’s Fossil Free Divestment guide

Green America promotes social and environmental justice through economic action.

We do it by promoting structural change to our economic system through individual, community, and societal action.

The language of sustainability—as commonly practiced—is in the language of affluence.

The problem of
banking desserts

Low income people, communities of color…own smartphones at a greater rate than the population in general but they lack a banking relationship.

Bill Bynum, CEO of Hope Credit Union

Case study 3: Facebook

This is about as blatant a violation of the federal Fair Housing Act as one can find.

John Relman, civil rights lawyer

Content strategy and design are inseparable from social justice.

What is within the scope of content strategy?

Communications is at core of everything we do.

Content strategy is about creating spaces to communicate.

Building an Inclusive Content Strategy

Think of this as building a box for putting together your own inclusivity toolkit.

Building an Inclusive Content Strategy

  • Content audit
  • Building your content team
  • Creating new processes
  • Building inclusive organizations


  • Organization: “Who are we?”
  • Market: “What does the world look like?”
  • Audience: “Who are our constituents?”

Organization Research

  1. What is the mission?
  2. Who does this effect? Who has a stake?

Green America promotes social and environmental justice through economic action.

Organization Research

  1. What is the mission?
  2. Who does this effect? Who has a stake?
  3. What are the products? Who are they made for?

Who should we be serving?

Market Research

User Constituent Research

  • >50% were middle-class white women +50 years old.
  • Geographically diverse, not strongly centered around cities.

Editorial and Programatic Process Audit

aka “strategic assessment lite”

Reading a report is not enough, turn it into embodied and experiential knowledge.

What yer looking for

  • Who is involved in the process?
  • Who is in on the product decisions?
  • What does the RACI chart look like?

Audit yer silos.

  1. What marginalized communities are represented in decision making processes?
  2. How much say do they have?
  3. Really? Have you asked them while in a safe space?
  4. What happens to feedback? What is the process for acting on it?
  5. Do your staff know about the processes?

Are marginalized voices empowered to make change in your organization?

Yer Content Inventory & Language Audit

  • Does your content satisfy the needs of marginalized audiences?
  • What changes when you’re talking to voices outside the primary audience?
  • Do you words that are only meaningful to subject matter experts?

In trying to be reassuring, it became patronizing instead.

Inquisitive ignorance allows for fresh perspective.

Audit Yer Products

  • Look at the whole constellation of products.
  • Who is in on product decisions? When do they have input?
  • Whose input shapes decisions the most?

Building Yer Inclusivity Team

Yer gonna need allies co-conspirators.

How to find co-conspirators

  • Empower/amplify those who are already doing it.
  • Train people who care.
  • Flatten your team structure.

    You are the safe space.

    Life experience matters more than work experience.

    Creating & Implementing the Strategy

    Teaching the process.

    Content strategy as empowerment

    “I hear you” is not enough if nothing comes of it.

    Design is no longer about designing the thing, you design the conditions for the thing to emerge–the conversation.

    Indy Johar—Democratizing Cities

    Restructuring yer staff

    Hiring for inclusion

    Yer JD

    • Are you using male pronouns?
    • Is your language full of jargon?
    • Are you demanding physical ability for a desk job?
    • College degree? Really?

    At a minimum ☛

    How are you reviewing applications?

    Now the hard part

    Inclusion has a price. And it is not small.

    Inclusion is a team effort

    “Everyone genuinely seems to care. Collectively, not much changes.”

    Paul Delaney

    We are all guilty and victims under late capitalism.

    Diversity numbers and and quotas are not enough.

    Several veteran reporters refused to assist us and act as teachers and mentors to young minority hires and trainees.

    Paul Delaney

    Realtalk: Chatham House Rule for this slide.

    Change is inevitable.

    Content strategy is about creating spaces to communicate.

    Content strategy is about creating spaces to communicate listen.

    How does the algorithm choose?

    They knew they were overfilled the moment the last seat checked in.

    United overfills flights as a standard business practice.

    Efficiency demands having processes in place to deal with common problems.

    This is the Milgram Experiment as customer service model

    This is an anti-pattern for inclusive content strategy.

    Social change will not come to us like an avalanche down the mountain. Social change will come to us through seeds in well prepared soil—and it is we, like the earthworms, who prepare the soil.…

    …We realize there are no guarantees as to what will come up. Yet we do know that without the seeds and the prepared soil nothing will grow at all.

    Ursula Franklin—The Real World of Technology

    Yeah, this is emotional labor.

    We stand between the darkness and the light.

    ancient Mimbari prayer

    We can’t change the whole system overnight. But we need to know what we would put in its place…

    …and we can take advantage of the present crisis to begin working to create new models with the teachers, principals, and parents all over the city who have given themselves permission to think differently from the powers-that-be.

    Grace Lee-Boggs

    Thank you

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