Day 2:

Reminder of our ground rules



The story so far…

Green America {builds|demands|nurtures|fosters} sustainability through economic action.

∴ Green America’s work must be inclusive & intersectional.

Green America’s audience

  • >⅔ women
  • 57% 55 or older
  • 68.5% joined when GA was still Co-op America

The demographics of environmental advocacy

The good news

  • Women occupy more than half of executive-level positions in environmental orgs
  • Women comprise of 60% of new hires in environmental organizations, government agencies, and foundations

Where we, as a field, kinda suck

  • Men are more likely to be the president or board chair of an org
  • Leadership in large orgs are overwhelmingly men


  • 76.2% of presidents are men
  • 55% of board chairs are men

Let’s talk race

A brief history of environmentalism’s racism


Few of the organizations studied collaborate with ethnic minority or low-income institutions or groups.

Why this matters

  • Hispanic Catholics care ×2 more than white Catholics
  • Black Protestants care more than mainstream white Protestants and evangelicals.

We’re in this together.

Green America {builds|demands|nurtures|fosters} sustainability through economic action.

We’re in this together.

We all care about sustainability.

Green America {builds|demands|nurtures|fosters} sustainability through economic action.

Our Vision

We work for a world where all people have enough, where all communities are healthy and safe, and where the bounty of the Earth is preserved for all the generations to come.

We’re in this together.

We all care about sustainability.

But we and our peers are failing at making this a big tent.

Green America {builds|demands|nurtures|fosters} sustainability through economic action.

We work for a world where all people have enough, where all communities are healthy and safe, and where the bounty of the Earth is preserved for all the generations to come.
  • 32.8% of US population is 55+ (57% of GA members are)
  • Of people between 15–3 44.2% are a minority race/ethnic minority.
  • 5 and under are majority minority.