Reminder of our ground rules
The story so far…
Green America {builds|demands|nurtures|fosters} sustainability through economic action.
∴ Green America’s work must be inclusive & intersectional.
Few of the organizations studied collaborate with ethnic minority or low-income institutions or groups.
We’re in this together.
Green America {builds|demands|nurtures|fosters} sustainability through economic action.
We’re in this together.
We all care about sustainability.
Green America {builds|demands|nurtures|fosters} sustainability through economic action.
We work for a world where all people have enough, where all communities are healthy and safe, and where the bounty of the Earth is preserved for all the generations to come.
We’re in this together.
We all care about sustainability.
But we and our peers are failing at making this a big tent.
Green America {builds|demands|nurtures|fosters} sustainability through economic action.
We work for a world where all people have enough, where all communities are healthy and safe, and where the bounty of the Earth is preserved for all the generations to come.